2.) you have to decide on the design and placement and then still want it 6 months later before getting it. that's my rule, but i've actually always waited 2-3 years before getting a tattoo i wanted. (i only have three...)
3.) you have to be at least 22 before you get your first tattoo! (at least that's what i tell my son when he says, 'when can i get a real tattoo?' haha...)
This one (that I got yesterday):
A couple years ago, a few events happened simultaneously that really challenged my view of love and whether or not I was able to give it as freely as I had been. I went home for one of the worst, emotionally numb summers of my life. I remember thinking, "I should be feeling something right now, right? Something? Anything?" But the only feelings I could decipher involved such intense pain, it was almost too difficult to face; the kind of pain that stunts your ability to even cry.
Before I left for that summer, my beautiful sister, who is my constant and best friend, gave me a pink bracelet that said LOVE. (I'm wearing it in the Relationship Status Thought of the Day post) With it, she wrote me a note that said I was one of the most loving people she knew and that I should wear this bracelet and remind myself of who I am and who God has given me the strength to be. I shouldn't let those who have let me down hinder my capacity to love those who are deserving, including myself. And there were times that summer, and in the following year, that looking down at that bracelet was the only thing grounding me that day- obviously with God's help.
So, I prayed that God would restore my heart to its previous condition and more. Cuz, not to sound conceited or anything, but I think something God has given me is the ability to understand the purity in love and display it in an unconditional manner, as it should be. Love shouldn't come with conditions... This openness of heart has unfortunately opened me up to many heartaches, but I think I'm finally getting there and the truth is- I really have no regrets. This tattoo is on my right hand, because I am right handed and it reminds me to act in love, which I will continue to do- acknowledging that I will get hurt again but knowing that it is ultimately worth it to be someone capable of accepting and giving God's love. And also, knowing that God will use the pain that comes my way to draw me closer to Him and redeem the situation to His glory and to my benefit. After all, "the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." - Galatians 5:6 (a verse advocated often by a loving guy I know named Kyle Weber.)
Friends, know that I love you and I hope you have a blessed day...
I want to know what it'd be like to aim so high above that any card that you get dealt you Always Love... ~ one of my fav songs ever, btw...
my son: i learned my Bible verse today. "A friend loves at all times."
me: that's good, babe. that's a good verse. you know, i love you at all times.
my son: all times? you have a clock heart!
1.) press play
2.) dance around your house
3.) do it. for real.
4.) dance more ridiculously... not ridiculous enough!
ok, that'll do. i didn't say 'have a seizure.' wow...
i closed my eyes and blew out candles for you...
make a wish
i won't have much of a chance to celebrate since i have an assignment due today which means i haven't finished my assignment due tomorrow or even started my assignment due next week! and as a mother my birthdays are no longer the eventful ones, and i'm fine with that. but i guess it is still significant that i was born, right? ha... and i've had a pretty decent, er... (ahem) twenty-two;)> years so, right now, in this little minute i will acknowledge that... and then proceed to stress about all things school-related.
happy day of my birth to you!
i hope you appreciate that the climate of awesome in this world shifted for the better on this day 22-ish years ago.
you're welcome.
(In the car today on the way home from Indiana...)
my son: "I have part of nana and granda because I have their pants."
me: "What?"
my son: "You have their pants and I have your pants so I have a part of nana and granda in me, too."
me: "Pants?"
my son: "Yea, not real pants. Not the kind you wear. The kind that are inside of you."
me: "Do you mean genes?"
my son: "Yea, jeans are pants."
you're my merry-go-round
my merry-go-go-go-go
shall we go round?
you're my come and go merry-go-round
keep coming back to you
i just keep coming back to you
can't keep coming back to you...
(lovesick mistake)
Strength for the weak and the broken heart
My Shepherd and King
I find You within me
For You are hereYou carried the cross for the world
Gathered the lost and the fatherless
My Shepherd and King
I find you within me
For You are here
My Lord forever
You are here
In this place, You are here
By Your mercy, I draw near
In my heart, take your place
You are here
Your word is the light of the earth
Your glory resounds in the universe
My Shepherd and King
I find You within me
For You are here
My Lord forever
You are here
The same power that conquered the grave
Lives in me, lives in me
Your love that rescued the earth
Lives in me, lives in me
You are here..."