1000 words

RESOLUTION: to preserve my son's childhood with a sense of adventure and tomfoolery

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My first post on this blog was on January 1st this year and it was a bunch of resolutions; ones I wasn't going to make if I wasn't going to keep them. One was 'to preserve my son's childhood with a sense of adventure and tomfoolery.' Adventure for me as a child was always found in books. Unlike TV (not that I don't like TV:), your imagination did all the work and there were no boundaries. You could imagine anything; anything was possible. So, my son and I have been going through some classic books and bringing them to life in our own ways.

For Alice and Wonderland, I got tophats and we decorated them so we could be madhatters. For my photography class last semester, I took some pictures of him in his madhatter state at a recreated hatter tea party in our backyard. He's a great model, don't you think?:) These are scanned from film prints so they look a little different, but you can still see how adorable he is... You might be lucky enough to see me as a madhatter in a future post;)>


heart smile 5

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Me: Do you even have ANY idea how much I love you?

My son: You love me half as much as God, but more than every one else. Mothers love so much, they need to get love from God. See? I DO have an idea!


heart smile 4

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

"I know how the sun works- God reflects onto the sun like the sun reflects onto the moon. Cuz God is really bright!" ~ my son, 10 minutes ago. Isn't he bright?


faith and photography

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

so, i've mentioned my friend Kyle Weber once or twice before on here, but if you haven't checked out his site already, you should now (and not just because he was awesome enough to put a link to this blog on it). there are many things i wish i were- (expert linguist, amazing guitarist, inspired cook, etc. etc. to infinity!!)- and 'better photographer' is one of them. which is why it's fun for me to peruse kyle's photos. they're not just technically good, they're moving. it takes more than skill to make a still photograph affect you in a way that makes you feel personally involved; it takes heart and kyle has plenty of that. i'm a bit of a blog/facebook stalker. (i like to say i'm an 'internet anthropologist.' hahaha...) it always interests me what image people project of themselves on these public mediums ~ what they want you to see, what they don't even think about that comes through anyway and so on... in reading kyle's blog, what i appreciate is how his passion for God comes through in all the details. calling it 'A Journey Through Faith and Photography' is fitting, and not just because i enjoy alliteration;) so if you're looking to be inspired with some good food for thought, or just some aesthetic pleasure, click here. and then, don't be disappointed by my own photos when i get around to scanning them- yes, i do use film;) enjoy!

(btw, i swiped the above picture - a Kyle Weber original photo- from his facebook, so go Like.)

holy cute

altogether now - say 'awww!'

Saturday, July 03, 2010

so, my blog looks sad with that last entry being the first post. so, here are some adorable pictures to make you smile. (all found at weheartit.com)

besides the fact that this baby is eating a product that contains both chocolate and nuts (big no, no for the non-mums out there) this picture just makes me smile! how can it not?

which one's the toy?! :)

i always wanted a pet tiger when i was a kid... a part of me still does. ok, fine, all of me still does!

you have GOT to love a kid wearing geek glasses. she's just chillin with her bad self lookin straight up awesome.

i just want to tickle those little feet! (sorry to the mother of this child. i promise i'm not creepy...)

I'm usually opposed to dressing up animals (yes, sister of mine who has a chihuahua. i AM talking to you;) but this is just hilarious and cute. maybe because rabbits were often in kids' books and cartoons dressed in clothes, like Peter Rabbit, so this looks like a real-life version of those characters. I half expect her to talk with a cute little voice.

hope you enjoyed that, lovies;)