faith and photography

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

so, i've mentioned my friend Kyle Weber once or twice before on here, but if you haven't checked out his site already, you should now (and not just because he was awesome enough to put a link to this blog on it). there are many things i wish i were- (expert linguist, amazing guitarist, inspired cook, etc. etc. to infinity!!)- and 'better photographer' is one of them. which is why it's fun for me to peruse kyle's photos. they're not just technically good, they're moving. it takes more than skill to make a still photograph affect you in a way that makes you feel personally involved; it takes heart and kyle has plenty of that. i'm a bit of a blog/facebook stalker. (i like to say i'm an 'internet anthropologist.' hahaha...) it always interests me what image people project of themselves on these public mediums ~ what they want you to see, what they don't even think about that comes through anyway and so on... in reading kyle's blog, what i appreciate is how his passion for God comes through in all the details. calling it 'A Journey Through Faith and Photography' is fitting, and not just because i enjoy alliteration;) so if you're looking to be inspired with some good food for thought, or just some aesthetic pleasure, click here. and then, don't be disappointed by my own photos when i get around to scanning them- yes, i do use film;) enjoy!

(btw, i swiped the above picture - a Kyle Weber original photo- from his facebook, so go Like.)

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