
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Adventures are unexpected, confusing, and hard. You don't know where you're going and you have to figure it out along the way, learning as you go; learning about yourself most of all. If you're looking for something fun and easy, with a plethora of smiling snapshots, I think what you want is a planned vacation. But those are deliberate escapes from real life. If that is your expectation of adventure, then you will miss the legitimate opportunities as they arise and be constantly disappointed in the reality that befalls you. You will lament that challenges are tedious mundanities and long for circumstances that are both exciting yet guaranteed; unexpected yet facile; and drastic yet whimsical, failing to see the contradiction. If you instead embrace what comes your way and ask, "What can I learn from this; how can I grow?" then life will always be an adventure.

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