
heart smile 8

Sunday, January 06, 2013

my son has gotten out of sleep routine the past couple weeks over the holiday break. we stayed up watching Christmas movies in bed and had activities so he got to stay up late (partially so mom could sleep in!). with school starting tomorrow, it was important he go to sleep so i stayed with him tonight as he drifted off. i often test if he's asleep by whispering really quietly, "i love you." because, if he's even partially awake, he'll whisper back, "i love you, too." we also like to play the 'i love you, i love you more, no i love you more, no i love you most' game. so tonight, fairly certain he was asleep, i kissed him and barely uttered, "i love you." to which a tiny voice responded, "i love you, too"...and then a few seconds later, unprompted and after a sleepy little sigh, he continued, "i love you most."

one of those moments that makes every other moment in life totally worth it.

and, for the record, baby: no, i love you most.


resolutions 2013

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

My resolutions are normally a little vague, though they do have meaning for me. Some years, I keep them really well and others, not so much. This year, I decided to be specific. So, without further ado:

It's not that I don't read the Bible but I always start these one- or two-year Bible reading plans and manage to get behind. By the end of the year, I haven't completed it at all and I've resorted to my regular scripture meandering. This year, I will do it!

This is self-explanatory. You can always pray more and I will.

I've actually done a decent job of this in 2012. 
2013 will be even better!

I got a little too busy this past year and too in office-home routine. 
I need more breaks and to check in with friends more.

I seem to have fallen out with my boyfriend recently,
and it's totally my fault. 
I'm gonna fix it.

This seems like it'd be no challenge for me since I often enjoy books more than people but this year I seemed to start books over and over without finishing them and then life got busy. 
So, on top of the two books a month I will read with my son, I will also read two books for myself; 
ideally one novel, one spiritual/parenting/applicable, etc.

Finish the painting you started IN THE SUMMER!
Plus do at least two more that you've already thought out.
And just draw more- your hands are forgetting how to do it!

Even if you're blocked on the stories you want to write, just write, write anything. 
Journal, write letters to God, whatever, get it out, get it on paper, be in the practice of writing. 

Two previous resolutions:

Before I know it, my son will be too cool for school with me. This is always a resolution.

I wrote this last year and didn't do a very good job of it.
It's too important not to.

Happy 2013! May it be your best year yet!