happy day of my birth to you!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i closed my eyes and blew out candles for you...
make a wish

i won't have much of a chance to celebrate since i have an assignment due today which means i haven't finished my assignment due tomorrow or even started my assignment due next week! and as a mother my birthdays are no longer the eventful ones, and i'm fine with that. but i guess it is still significant that i was born, right? ha... and i've had a pretty decent, er... (ahem) twenty-two;)> years so, right now, in this little minute i will acknowledge that... and then proceed to stress about all things school-related.

happy day of my birth to you!
i hope you appreciate that the climate of awesome in this world shifted for the better on this day 22-ish years ago.

you're welcome.

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  1. I know it's a little late but.. I didn't even know u existed so.. I'm glad u do exist =P
    χρονια πολλα!
    feliz cumpleaños!
    bon anniversaire!
    happy birthday!.. etc.. etc.. etc.. Hope u enjoyed your day with ur son!

  2. i don't know if you'll get notified that i commented after you, but thanks! and i tried clicking on your site and it says you haven't enabled access or something, so yea...:)
