right now, all your dreams are waking up

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

I'm sitting here tonight thinking that another month is upon me and that maybe I live too much in the day-to-day survival mode. I'm still young, my dreams are still ahead of me- I hope!- and sometimes I'm so focused on what's directly in front of me, I miss what's passing by, not to mention the greater scope of what's ahead. There's something that's been on the back burner of my heart for about 4 years now and I'm trying to decide if I've been missing out on not having it sooner, if I wasn't ready for it before and am now, or if it's time to let it go and look ahead to something else. Hmmm...so many questions, so little opportunity to have them answered, it seems. Joseph Arthur's gonna help me out... (after I pray about it, ofcourse;)

Honey and the Moon, Joseph Arthur

"We're made out of blood and rust
Looking for someone to trust
A fight
I think that you came too soon
You're the honey and the moon
That lights
Up my night

Right now

I wish I could follow you
To the shores
Of freedom,
Where no one lives"

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