altogether now - say 'awww!'

Saturday, July 03, 2010

so, my blog looks sad with that last entry being the first post. so, here are some adorable pictures to make you smile. (all found at

besides the fact that this baby is eating a product that contains both chocolate and nuts (big no, no for the non-mums out there) this picture just makes me smile! how can it not?

which one's the toy?! :)

i always wanted a pet tiger when i was a kid... a part of me still does. ok, fine, all of me still does!

you have GOT to love a kid wearing geek glasses. she's just chillin with her bad self lookin straight up awesome.

i just want to tickle those little feet! (sorry to the mother of this child. i promise i'm not creepy...)

I'm usually opposed to dressing up animals (yes, sister of mine who has a chihuahua. i AM talking to you;) but this is just hilarious and cute. maybe because rabbits were often in kids' books and cartoons dressed in clothes, like Peter Rabbit, so this looks like a real-life version of those characters. I half expect her to talk with a cute little voice.

hope you enjoyed that, lovies;)

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